Wednesday, January 7, 2009


All of us at one time, or another in our lives have found ourselves standing at point where we know big changes are coming to our lives. Sometimes I don't even realize I have been at a crossroads in my life until I'm some ways down the path ( sometimes its months or years) and I will look back and realize the exact moment that led me to the moment I am in. Sometimes I have made good decisions and other times I look back and wonder If I had only just taken the other path, Life would have been so much easier! Other Crossroads I have arrived at with much difficulty and I have found myself standing at the crossroads knowing I must go forward and knowing with all certainty I Definitely cant go back, but yet just not sure which path to take. I find myself in that spot now and for some reason I can see that there are 3 paths ahead of me but I honestly don't know what I am supposed to do. 1 path of course will eventually find me down the road realizing I made a wrong turn and I will eventually find myself at another crossroads, trying to figure out how to make things better, the 2nd path will be the right path and the path in the middle will walk between the 2 options, giving me time to figure things out . Alot of people believe there is only right and wrong in the world, I believe there is gray as well, a middle ground that is a compromise. So that also describes my 3 paths that are lying in front of me. I realize that when I hit these moments in life, I don't have all of the answers and I'm just going to have to push forward and hope and trust in the future and hope I haven't misread the signs of my life that I am supposed to be following. So soon I will need to step off of this point, I am just standing on and have faith that everything will be ok, but for now I am just standing there waiting, to take that first step and hope that I will have made the right decision. I definitely have faith and hope in my heart but I am also an analytical person and I find that I don't like to do things, unless I am fairly very certain of the outcome, so I tend to be cautious and over think things and study and research like crazy until I feel ok about my decisions, but this cross roads is a puzzler . I don't believe I have all of the info I need yet so I will stand here awhile longer before I start the next trek down a new part of our lives.

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