Friday, February 13, 2009


Our Valentines Day plans sound a little odd, according to my teenage daughter but I don't believe so. My better half's, Aunt and Uncle are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary tomorrow! Now what could possibly be, more the definition of Love and Valentines day, than 50 years of marriage? Like all couples they had their up and downs in their younger years, but they are truly in Love with each other after all of these years. Unfortunately in to days world 50th wedding anniversaries are somewhat of a rarity and should be celebrated, a big party and a nice meal and dessert are planned at a reception hall. While it may not be your typical valentines, where you think of just 2 people spending a special day/evening together, it is still a date for my sweetie and me and a nice meal out and being surrounded by family and friends, that's a room full of LOVE!

Happy Valentines to everyone!!! Do you have special plans?


na said...

We are going over to a friend's house for dinner...with all the kids in tow!

Have fun!

Cricket said...

What an awesome way to spend Valentine's Day! Hope you guys had a great time! :)

na said...

I just gave you an award on my blog At the Creek!

Hope all is well at your home!