Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cleaning tip....

In my previous post I talked about washing my shower curtain. This is something that I have always done and if you have never tried it, please do, it will save time and money. No hand scrubbing and no smelly toxic shower chemicals that you have to spay on! I know alot of people just throw their shower curtain liners away when they get shampoo and soap build up on them and they start looking yucky, but that's not always necessary. You can wash your vinyl shower curtain, in your washing machine, in warm water with a couple of towels ( the towels help scrub it as it is washing) and normal laundry soap. Usually running it thru one wash cycle is all it takes, if it is extra dirty, you can do it twice. You can also wash it in hot water but I try to use only the warm water to save on the energy bill. Normally I only wash my clothes in cold water but the cold water just does not do well on the vinyl shower curtain, it needs the warm water to keep it pliable in the washer. It will be wrinkly when you take out of the washer and you can do one of 2 things from this point. Go hang it up immediately in the shower and let it air day ( the first time someone takes a nice hot shower all of the wrinkles will fall right out, of the vinyl curtain.) You can also put the curtain in the dryer on a very low heat setting and let it dry for a few minutes and I would suggest only a few minutes, as too hot of a dryer or too long in the dryer can cause some damage. I learned this tip years ago and it has saved me alot of money over the years and has also kept my cleanliness habit happy as a shower curtain can quickly get yucky. Please note, that if your curtain has holes or tears in it ,the washing machine will just make things worse, so this tip works best on shower curtains that are still in good condition and just need a good cleaning.

1 comment:

na said...

Very good tip! Stay warm today!