Sunday, January 18, 2009

Too Cute Puppy...

We have 3 Golden Retrievers, ages -- almost 12 years, 3 1/2 years and 3 months. The oldest is a female and she is the mother of the 3 1/2 year old male and the baby is the son of the 3 1/2 year old male. So 3 generations! We never planned on having 3 dogs at one time but due to circumstances that were out of our control, we ended up having to take a pup in exchange for the stud service. ( Another family member was to take the pup but when the puppies were born things had changed and the family member couldn't take the pup, so we ended up with the bundle of joy) The puppy ( Dakota) has become one of the best thing to have happened to us! He has brought us alot of laughter and happiness , and in these tough times that has been a blessing. Yes puppies are alot of work and the potty training can be a non stop job at first, but the cuteness and the love he has bestowed upon us ,far out weighs the work. He also has given his dad a playmate. Jake at 3 1/2 still has alot of puppy in him and he enjoys having someone around that has as much energy as he does. These 2 are inseparable and keep each other company all day long. All 3 dogs get along great but the female is getting old and she has slowed down alot, luckily she is in good health for her age but she just doesn't get around like she used to. Having 3 dogs in the house has turned out to be no different than having 2 dogs. The puppy is a non stop bundle of energy as all puppies are and he really is a good boy. He loves the water in the true fashion of alot of golden retrievers. My better half is all excited about this. Our female dog has never taken to the water and only likes to wade in the water and not any deeper than just her paws. Jake the 3 1/2 year old loves the water too and you are hard pressed to keep him out of the pond in the summer. BUT baths in the tub forget it, he will put up with a bath in the tub but he sure doesn't like them, the puppy though loves the tub, he will crawl into the tub when its empty looking for water and he is really happy if he finds someone in the shower and he can crawl into the shower with them! And I mean he willingly crawls in on his own, so if you arent wanting a shower mate you had better make sure you have that bathroom door shut all the way! I have never seen a dog love water so much! It will be interesting to see how he reacts to the big pond this summer.

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