Saturday, January 10, 2009

Making things pretty

Snow, snow, and more snow, it doesn't seem like its going to end. Since we are pretty much stuck at home I have used the last few days to get some to do items, crossed off of my list. I also have a very bored college student at home that is sooooo bored she is begging for things to do and volunteered to help me get some painting done around here. All Right!!! She helped paint her sisters bedroom a week ago in very light shades of an aqua /teal color. My youngest daughter has always had a thing for teals and light blues. The bedroom turned out very pretty and really brightened her room up. So when my college age daughter came to me yesterday and said you know we still have time to get the 2 bathrooms done before I go back to school, I was ecstatic!. So my master bath was painted yesterday! We used a two tone approach when we painted this room and used shades of cream and a light cocoa brown and it turned out wonderfully. It brightened the room up and made the walls all fresh and clean again. I also washed my curtains, the shower curtains and the rugs in the bathroom as well, so spring cleaning a little early. I keep my home clean and am somewhat of a neat freak but no matter how hard you try to keep the bath walls clean, you always seem to end up with water streak marks on the walls that just wont wash off! So in the last year and a half we have painted the kitchen, the entrance way, 2 baths, all 3 bedrooms, now all that is left are the living room and family room. The family room is very large, so I wont attempt it until the spring/summer when it is warm enough to open the windows so that the paint fumes don't smell us out. I also am not sure what I want to do with that room yet, as far as a color. The bathrooms I wasn't worried about as they are fairly small and we turned on the vent fan and the paint fumes never got bad. The living room I could easily do in the winter yet and I just about have the color scheme worked out, but after tackling the bedroom and 2 baths I am just about painted out for now and may wait a bit, maybe even until spring before I start painting again. So being snowed in can be a good time to get those items on yur to do list done that you normally dont have time for. Now off to make cookies for my better half. He has been asking for me to make him some fresh chocolate chip cookies!

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