Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

2009.... What do you think the New Year will bring us? I'm not sure yet but I am glad that 08 is over and that we have a fresh slate to start with. We spent New Years eve at our neighbors home along with 5 other couples. We had lots of fun and had lots of time to talk to friends and catch up. The happiness of the group was catching and made us all hope for a brighter year to come. Today myself and the rest of the family took down the Christmas tree and all of the other decorations, then we dusted and swept the whole house, So Christmas festiveness is gone. I always hate taking it all down as the house looks bare when it first gets put away. My mother has always had this belief ever since I can remember that its bad luck to have your Christmas tree still up on New Years eve. Apparently there is some type of superstition that if you still have the Christmas tree and decorations up on New Years eve you will also carry any bad Carma from the old year in to the New Year. Have you ever heard of this?? I have always left my decorations up until at least January 1 and sometimes a few days after that just depending on what entertaining we have yet to do. usually I think nothing of this superstition but this year it has been in mind as I don't want to carry any negativity into the new year! How did you spend your day??

1 comment:

na said...

We had dinner and games last night with some family. Then watched a movie and waited for the ball to drop.

Today we finished up some canning, had dinner with the in-laws and worked around the house a bit.

The little guy said that the tree has to stay up until Saturday (his b-day!)!